B )
A CD or CrossDresser.
I am a CrossDresser.
This is a very complete Emulated Expression of the opposite sex in matter of dress and appearance.
This can be MTF ( Male To Female ) . . . (Me)
Or can be FTM ( Female To Male )... Yes those expressions exist as well... but the FTM can go about a 'normal' life with really nothing said ( to their face ) . . . This may only reflect their sexual preference and style, and / or may simply be a genuine Gender Expression with the person . . .
This term, CD ( MTF ) or CrossDresser is what persons like me are usually called and call themselves . . . And that's OK . . .
In jest I have self-coined the term 'Happy-Dresser' ; ) Seems better than 'Cross-Dresser . . . Because it is So Much FUN ; ) But most people miss my joke there...
C ) A TS or Transsexual
( pre-op and post-op ) . . .
This is where the person feels like their Gender is very much the opposite from their body, and therefore feel 'trapped' in the wrong body . . . Many, but not all, aspire to have a sex change operation ( SRS ), even major surgery to their face as well ( FFS ), and have breast enhancement, and usually have life long hormone treatment ( HRT) . . .
These TS Transsexual persons have the biggest challenges I believe, and are courageous almost beyond belief. http://www.transsexual.org/
: ) *** ME *** I am Not Transsexual . . .
However I May be the most common in fact . . .
But only a very small percentage of the TG World see themselves as I do . . .
However many of the experts over All The Ages as well as today tend to see the TG World this way, . . . as I see myself . .
Having a Balanced or Whole-Gender a.k.a. Androgyne .
I respect and enjoy being all of me as the situation provides or suggests . . . That would mean I Emulate being a Woman.
I love wearing a sharp suit etc. . . . And at least as much love wearing a pretty / cute girlie / Lady outfit . . . In public . . . With well done makeup and wig etc. . . . all feme . . . and without 'acting' . . . Just being Myself in my actions as well . . .
Picture a guy wearing hunting gear... or racket ball sports gear... or casual golf wear... or an all business suit... and the same person in those situations and dressed for the occasion being somewhat different in their actions and interactions with others . . . I just do all that . . .
And Cross Over the forbidden line and also go feme as well... not being kinky . . . or acting . . . just being the whole me. . . .
And That's My 101 ; ) LOL
Me: Whole-GENDER a.k.a.
Androgyne ; )
(not a sexual term)